Useful Information

Each Section has a different uniform, and members are expected to wear this for all events and activities connected with the Group or Section, unless told otherwise.

Beavers: Beaver sweatshirt, Beaver trousers (optional), Group scarf
Cubs: Cub sweatshirt (Group or green T-shirt in Summer), Cub trousers (optional), Group scarf
Scouts: Scout shirt, blue activity trousers, Scout belt, Group scarf
Explorer Scouts:  Explorer shirt, blue activity trousers, Unit scarf

All items of uniform (except for the Group Scarf) are obtainable from:
Craftability, 4 St Lawrence St, Ipswich – 01473 257550
National Schoolwear Centre, 40 Westgate Street, Ipswich – 01473 212225

To find out where to place Scout badges and awards on the uniform, click here

All Leaders, members, parents, supporters and committee members belong to the Group Council which meets once a year at the Group AGM.
This is when Group Executive Committee officers and members are elected, questions can be answered and you can find out about the progress of the Group during the previous year.

Adult information form (PDF) editable version
ID Checking form (PDF) editable version

In order to promote respect and good behaviour and to support our programme, which is both challenging and fun, all members are expected to behave appropriately and inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. Please see below for our Codes of Conduct for each section, plus Group Behaviour Chart:
Beaver Scout Code of Conduct
Cub Scout Code of Conduct
Scout Code of Conduct
Group Behaviour Chart