Trustee Board

The Bramford Scouts Trustee Board is a team of volunteers who work together, as charity trustees, to make sure our Scout Group is run safely and legally. At the heart of our role is a focus on strategy, performance and assurance. Effective Trustee Board governance helps our volunteers deliver fantastic programmes that give young people skills for life. We meet regularly to organise fun, community events, that raise funds for equipment and also to subsidise events.


Claire Bickers (Ex-Officio)
Team Lead

Grant Usher Trustee Board Chair

Health & Safety

Don Golding (Ex-Officio)

Mark Ayriss (Trustee)
Kerrick Newstead (Trustee)


Julie Usher (Trustee)

Shona Evans (Trustee)
Kirsty Schartau (Co-Opted Trustee)

Group Administration/IT

Joy Day (Trustee)

Evie Burder (Trustee)
Lauren Singleton (Trustee)

Fundraising Events

Claire Palfrey (Trustee)
Helen Clarke
Simon Thomas (Co-Opted Trustee) Not at Meetings

Jo Whitmore (Co-Opted Trustee)
Alice Fisher
Nick Day (Co-Opted Trustee) Not at Meetings
Angela Edwards (Co-Opted Trustee)
Karen Cater (Co-Opted Trustee)

If you’d like to join us, email to to find out more