Get Involved
If you want to get involved with Scouting as volunteer, we’re always on the look-out for:
Every Section (Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) has a uniformed Leader. The Leader has overall responsibility for the running of the Section. This means planning and delivering the Balanced Programme with the help of Assistant Leaders, Section Assistants and any Occasional Helpers. Section Leaders also work with the Group Scout Leader to plan activities across the Group
Assistant Leaders:
Assistant Leaders support the Section Leader in delivering the Balanced Programme. This can mean anything from helping to run games or activities, or helping to keep records up to date. The responsibilities of an Assistant Leader will depend on their own interests and what they agree with the Section Leader.
Occasional Helpers:
Help with a Section once or twice a term or for a particular event such as a Camp. Parents and family members are encouraged, where possible, to help out a Section in some way.
Adults who have a specific skill or interest can also choose to run a particular activity or event one evening a term. Such skills are invaluable to Scout Groups and can usually assist
young people in gaining, or working towards, a particular badge.
Young Leaders:
Young Leaders are Explorer Scouts who choose to devote a large proportion of their time in Scouting to service in another section. The Young Leaders’ Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps them fulfil the service elements of their awards.
Trustee Board:
The Trustee Board is formed of parents and friends and our main task is Fund Raising for equipment and to subsidise events. We also help with Group Administration and meet regularly to plan the general running and future development of the Group.
To volunteer with any of the above roles, or for further information, please email